Conspecific killing and attack of the carcass by a tree sparrow in a captive flock. (b) The attacker continued its attack on the carcass while its mate(28.0MB, 00:01:20)Shot Date: 2021/05/13 Shot Location: Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea | ||
species Passer montanus Key Words | ||
Animalia >Chordata >Aves >Passeriformes >Passeridae >Passer >or Animalia >Chordata >Aves >Passeriformes >Passaridae >Passer >
Conspecific killing and attack of the carcass by a tree sparrow in a captive flock. (b) The attacker continued its attack on the carcass while its mate
Below is the abstract from the article containing this video:
In animal societies, conspecific killing is the most extreme way in which individuals resolve conflicts and is rarely reported in the literature. The reasons for such behavior are unclear because the majority of reports present only circumstantial evidence. Herein, we report the first-ever direct observation of conspecific killing in a flock of captive Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) and our tests of three hypotheses to explain the causes of this behavior in this species: mate guarding, securance of dominance rank, and nest-site competition. Video footage was sampled every 24 h according to the reproductive stages of the attacker's mate, and the recorded aggressive behaviors between the attacker and the victim were analyzed. The attacking behavior of the attacker increased during its mate's fertile period and decreased during the non-fertile period. The male tree sparrows generally fought to guard their mate against other males. This study indicates that mate-guarding behavior during the female fertile period leads to fatal fighting between conspecific males. Digital video images related to the article are available at and
Ju‐Hyun Lee, Wan‐Hee Nam. Dong‐Yun Lee, and Ha‐Cheol Sung (2022).
Why was he murdered? The first report of the motive for conspecific killing in a flock of captive tree sparrows (Passer montanus) through direct video surveillance. J. Ethol. 10.1007/s10164-022-00756-z
(Data No.momo220607et05a)
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