A partner of a pair accepted a sprig of Cerasus x yedoensis (Matsum.) A. V. Vassil, which the other brought into the nest.

(27.0MB, 00:00:48)
Shot Date: 2011/05/18
Shot Location: Morioka, Iwate, Japan

* species
Butorides striatus

Key Words
Butorides striatus
Green-backed Heron
nest material

Katsura Mikami
2012/05/25 submitted

Animalia >Chordata >Aves >Ciconiiformes >Ardeidae >Butorides >

Movie 3. A partner of a pair accepted a sprig of Cerasus x yedoensis (Matsum.) A. V. Vassil, which the other brought into the nest.
This is a "Sound 1" of Short Communication "Three types of courtship
behaviour of the Green-backed Heron Butorides striatus in Morioka,
northern Japan" published in Strix.

I report three types of courtship behaviour of the Green-backed
Heron Butorides striatus amurensis observed in Morioka, northern
Japan. The courtship call was heard only a few days during the
paring stage. A male displayed his yellow throat and performed a
short dance close to his partner-to-be. At a courtship and nest-
building stage, a particular bird of pairs was apt to bring sticks
to the nest. Some sticks seemed to be selectively rejected by the
receiver. Green-backed Herons might have preference about nest
materials and/or nest-building effort.

(Data No.momo120324bs05a)

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